Friday, May 16, 2014


A kaleidoscope image
with each experience another turn.

Pieces emerge more beautiful than the last.
An arras of complexity;
spectral colors
assemble a chromatic simulacrum
that is me.

Please handle with care
and always hold me to the light.

BAN © March 2008

Yellow Pinafore

The first dress I remember
was a yellow pinafore
I felt so pretty...

A series of dresses followed
ill fitting and awkward,
I tried to hide my skinned knees
my dirty hands...

and the smile I didn't really feel.

Today, the dresses no longer feel awkward
but they've grown in length
to keep things hidden,
things you found so easy to plunder

in shorter dresses...

and I still feel contempt
for the color yellow.

BAN August 2, 2013 11:23 am

Skinned Knees and Bumblebees


I don't remember innocence,
even in dreams,

a time when freedom
is a taken for granted
by most

to run in the grass,
skinned knees and bumble bees.

Funny how a memory will trigger
a spiral of thoughts,
feelings resurface
and I,

reminiscent of all that was taken from me.

My Mary Jane's ill fitting
for the adult I was forced to become
when I was still too young

to know what was right....

I wake with eyes wet,
just enough to catch the moonlight
to reveal the child still lives,

and waits for the one
who will love her...

BAN 2/16/13