Monday, April 30, 2012

Co-Dependent No More

You keep me hopelessly
independently dependent.

When I shatter,

fall into a billion pieces

I need you to fix things,

to be there when I call;
when I break,

collect my tears

wash the panes

help me to see again.

I need your rock solid countenance

no matter how badly I treat you,
how hard I push,

you always stand strong...

(I see the longing in your eyes)

I've ruined your every relationship.

You thrust your disappointment

and when the act is done
it is seen
by every one.

I've tried to leave,

I told you to stop
it just isn't healthy
this independence I crave

(this dependence you create)

If you love me

leave me be

allow me to stand on my own,

make my mistakes,
pay the consequence

(or reap the reward)

I stopped calling

I've stopped being so dependent
I stopped asking you to fix things

(you can't fix me)

I am just not as broken

as you have led me to believe...


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