Thursday, January 31, 2013


Does my darkness scare you?

Or is it my ability to shine my own light,
to expose my demons
that makes you uncomfortable.

You see,

anyone can face the sun,
follow its wisdom
and tout its goodness

but it takes courage
to stare down the shades of deep

in a beam of light,
and welcome them without fear.

What scares me,
is your inability to admit
my darkness is a reflection
of your regret

and I refuse to conceal my shadows
just so you can shine
without guilt.

BAN 1/31/13

Sunday, January 27, 2013


These thoughts within my mind,
is yesterdays reverb

needing an exit point
so I can begin again
with something new.

My knees are bruised,
tired prayers left unanswered,

my loneliness leads me astray,
in these moments of rare animation.
I draw you near,

only to push you away,
when the shadow falls.

These whispered psalms
become a desperate supplication,
in my hour of need...

will you be my saving grace,
or yet another failed attempt
to connect to something real...

to something meaningful.

BAN 1/25/13