Saturday, June 16, 2012


I want to dance barefoot
in the meadow
among the daisies
and sing without a care.
With their spot of sun
in petal'd white
I don't care
if he loves me...
loves me not.
Why would you do such a thing
to a daisy anyway?
Tear their petals
one by one,
to find an answer
you already know.

How much we hold onto, questioning, seeking answers we already have within.  Tear apart what is good, while dwelling on what is passed.  I am reminded often, enjoy what comes, for everything has its time, and when it goes, allow it to leave, resistance is pain, and I have had enough of that to last a life time, without creating more.  


  1. Life sheds
    light on dark path

    north star guides.

    ~ Dip

  2. My north star certainly does guide, even when I lose sight.
