Always second best,
I'll never measure up,

I heard him say...

Stay here by my side
'til something better comes on by.
We have tonight
tomorrow will come soon enough;
for now we have each other,
love me into Summer.

Always second best,
I'm never good enough.

I heard him say...

I got nothin' to do today,
won't you spend some time?
Come here and lie by me,
my bed is feeling cold.
Help me chase the chill away
love me into Fall.

Always second best,
I'm nothing like the rest

I heard him say...

Cold air is blowing,
the fire is burning hot.
Snow is falling outside my door
will you come for me once more?
You melt my resolve;
I love you into Winter.

Always second best,
left standing in the dust

I heard you say...

You are but a memory,
I must say goodbye.
You know all too well
it was only for a while.
I have met the one,
that will love me into Spring.

Thank you for staying by my side
'til something better came on by.

I used to joke, good enough to sleep with, not good enough to bring home to mother.  Sad but true.  Just when I thought he really might feel something for me, in would walk 'the one' and pushed aside, I was left to wonder what is wrong with me?  Oh is what it is huh?  What is it that comes with being 'good enough'.  For who?  I am enough, more than enough....even if no one else sees it but me.  At least that is what I keep telling myself...